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Workshop Series A

Note: Participants will select one workshop from each series. However, after the conference, all participants
will receive recorded videos of all 40+ sessions.

Monday, April 15, 2024

3:15 pm Eastern Time

Perceptions of Being Called to the Vocation of Nursing by Fai
th Community Registered Nurses

John Dyson, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, Concordia University Wisconsin
Carol A. Lueders Bolwer
k, PhD, RN, Professor, Concordia University Wisconsin
Brenda Jobe, DNP, RN, FNP, Assistant Professor, Conc
ordia University Wisconsin


Workshop Summary:
In order to provide mind, body, and spiritual care to people, nurses first need to recognize and understand what brought them to the nursing profession. If a sense of a calling is identified, then nurses and nursing students need to explore their own sense of spirituality first to help their patients. This is emphasized as important by the American Nurses Association and the Spiritual Care Association. However, in recent decades there has been no strong support for spirituality education in a majority of nursing programs.


Among the questions answered in this original study:


1. What is the perspective of Parish/Faith Community nurses,  student nurses, and practicing RNs continuing their education, regarding their feelings of a calling to the vocation of nursing?


2. Are there demographic variables (age, years of service, worship attendance, and others) that affect this perception of nursing as a vocation?


The theological foundation of Nightingale and Erickson's Stages of Development adds perspective.



Introduction to Buddhism, Buddhist Chaplaincy and Mindfulness

Rev. Max Hokai Swanger, M.Div, BCC, Chaplain, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Workshop Summary:
This workshop will orient chaplains to the story of the historical Buddha and the basic teachings of Buddhism. Various schools of Buddhism will also be discussed and explored. Tools will be taught for working with patients who identify as Buddhist. The workshop will teach people how to practice basic mindfulness meditation and learn lead mindfulness meditation as a calming and centering tool for patients, families, and staff.



From Confusion to Confidence
: Gender in the 21st Century

Mx Chris Paige, M.Div., Dean, The Other Wise Academy

Workshop Summary:
The conversation about gender has exploded in mainstream media over the past 5-10 years. As care providers, it is important that we be ready to listen to the stories about gender that are offered by care recipients. This workshop will redirect the conversation away from long lists of terms and definitions back toward a framework that utilizes the essential skills of clinical chaplaincy.


Applying Vital Talk REMAP to Spiritual Care Visits and Documentation

Rev. Charlotte Bear, MDiv, MFA, APBCC-HPC, Chaplain, Palo Alto Medical Foundation/ Sutter Health

Workshop Summary:
This workshop will illustrate the use of Vital Talk's REMAP to improve the quality of patient care visits and documentation in palliative care for spiritual providers working in hospital, outpatient, or community-based settings.


Hope and Connection: Interdisciplinary Spiritual Care at the End of Life

Nate Gustafson, M.Div., BCC, Chaplain, Bristol Hospice

Workshop Summary:
This workshop will provide a framework for hospice, palliative care, and elder care organizations to provide holistic, interdisciplinary team spiritual care. Spiritual Care remains a core service in hospice and palliative care, but not all patients and families receive the benefits of spiritual care provided by clinically trained spiritual care providers or Board Certified Chaplains. In order to increase quality of life indicators, and address t
he epidemic of loneliness among elders and those at the end of life, this workshop will highlight a culture and provide a framework for advancing spiritual care as an interdisciplinary team and community partners in the expansive field of elder care.


Designing a Framework for Talking About Chaplaincy: Cou
nting the Right Things for the Right Reasons

Rev. Dan Borchers, M.Div., BCC, Chaplain, Froedtert Holy Family Memorial Hospital

Workshop Summary:
As chaplaincy gains more universal recognition as an integral part of healthcare and the workplace, how do we maintain the uniqueness of the chaplain’s role while making a home in the world of quantifiable data?  We start by claiming our autonomy to define ourselves, because somewhere up the chain of command – and not very far – is a key decision-maker who has no idea what we do.  Helping that person value our work and appreciate its distinctive place in the organization is a vital step in preserving our integrity as providers of spiritual care. 


Dan Borchers has developed a tool for accomplishing this end in his own chaplaincy context.  In this workshop, he will tell you how it came about, show you how it works, and discuss ways you can adapt it to your own chaplaincy setting.



A New Way o
f Knowing Your Worth and Theirs

Rev. Gloria Soja, M.Div., Body of 9
Susan Fisher, Founder, Body of 9
Martin Fisher, Founder, Body of 9


Workshop Summary:
Have you ever felt like the world is telling you to behave differently, to shut down some part of yourself, or to hide who you really are? Or maybe, you encounter clients who seem to be so different from you that you struggle to work with them. The good news is, we ARE so different. There are 9 different physiological centers in the body that inform how we move, how we process information from the world around us, and how we form relationships. One of these "centers" (your natural number) is active in each of us at birth. Through observation, simple movement, and verbal confirmation, we can identify your natural number. Knowing your number helps you know yourself and your clients' innate gifts and worth. It can provide insight into personal and working relationship dynamics, allowing for greater compassion, empathy, and teamwork. Working with Body of 9 allows each person to be seen, accepted, and valued for the beautiful being they were created to be.



Blast Off: Launching a New Faith Community Nursing Documentation System

Danna Williamson, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, FCN, Faith Community Nurse, Carle Community Wellness & Faith Community Health Services
Gregory Scott, MS, RN, PHRN, TNS, Paramedic, FCN, RN Manager, Carle Community Wellness & Faith Community Health Services


Workshop Summary:
Join us as we guide you through our journey from activity-based faith community nursing documentation to outcome-based and whole-person care documentation in our specialty nursing practice.  Our journey included recognizing the need for change, researching evidence-based options, creating education and implementation plans, and providing support.  We will be sharing our challenges along the way along with success stories, tips for implementation, and future goals.

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